Tellraw Components

Rawtext Usage


Rawtext can be used with /titleraw and /tellraw


Rawtext currently supports a few components, score, text, selector and translate


Component usage


text is used for plain text

example: {"rawtext":[{"text":"Hello, this is an example text component"}]}


translate is used for text that pulls from .lang files, this can be used to translate your messages into other languages (I'm not too sure how exactly this is written, so this is the best I can give)

example: {"rawtext":[{"translate":"commands.gamemode.success.self"}]}


score is used to display a scoreboard value from the specified selector.

name is used to specify what to pull the scoreboard value from. Can be a selector, a player name, or an '*'. Using an '*' will cause the game to pull the scoreboard value from the player the score is being displayed to.

objective is used to specify what scoreboard to pull the scoreboard value from.

example: {"rawtext":[{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"test_obj"}}]}


selector is used to display the name of an entity. Can be a selector, a player name, or an '*'. Using an '*' will cause the game to pull the name from the player the selector is being displayed to.

example: {"rawtext":[{"selector":"*"}]}



Other Important Information


Rawtext also supports breaks and line breaks.

Breaks are accessed as \ and must be used in order to use " within components

example: {"text":"His name was \"Jerrald\" and he..."}


Line breaks are accessed as \n and allow you to add more "lines," or "enters," to your text

example: {"text":"Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3"}


In order to use multiple components together, you must list them and use , and {} to separate them

example: {"rawtext":[{"selector":"*"},{"text":"\n"}]}


Thanks to MajestikButter for this amazing explanation. Those of you who are confused about tellraw, you can use this to help yourself!